Marketing Director
05 Feb, 2020
The present-day is all about knowing what your customer believes. There is no right or wrong when we come to what the customer says. In this day and age, the customer is always right. Therefore, you must strategise your marketing campaign according to the needs and wants of your customers. This brings us to our next question, how can a business successfully evaluate what the customer wants.
Is the seller supposed to make decisions based on intuition? If intuition is unreliable and may cause error then what can help a company or business prosper? The answer to all your questions is data. Not just any data, but data derived from analysing your customer behaviour over some time. A data-driven marketing strategy will eventually give you a higher Return on Investment (ROI) and better performance too. Being data-driven allows companies to be much more productive and plan effectively. Think of it this way. If you know how your buyer will behave, what issues are being faced by them in the purchase cycle, what are their browsing patterns, and what is their engagement level on social media platforms; wouldn’t it be much easier for you to pin-point exactly where the issues lie and work on them accordingly? The equation becomes less complex and more logical by using data. The data gathered can serve as the centre point of your marketing strategy.
How to develop a data-driven digital strategy
Advocate a data-driven company culture
If you are planning to implement a data-driven company culture. Make sure that your team members are on the same page as you are. There may be a little bit of resistance from the team if you fail to explain to them the process in detail and its outcomes. Therefore, arrange a training session or seminar which is focused on educating the employees on how using a campaign based on data and analysis can be more effective. Once you have instilled the idea, the next step would be to strategise. Make sure that your team is part of all the phases of planning, execution, and implementation.
Develop a lead generation strategy that works
All businesses function differently. Even two businesses selling the same product will use a different kind of strategy to generate leads. This is where data analytics comes into the picture. The data extracted can help with your lead management and eventually stop all the leakage points in your sales funnel. It will help you understand which leads you to need to focus on and put your energy into. Data can help you keep a score of your leads and differentiate among them based on the score. This will eventually have a good impact on your sale since there will be a higher number of leads converted into sales.
Produce high-quality content
Producing high-quality content is extremely important for a functional business. More importantly, you must produce content that is relevant to your customers. Data-driven marketing will help you tune your content according to the needs of your customers. Moreover, it will also allow improving the quality of the products and services based on the metrics and information gathered. In the long run, being data-driven will enable your brand to be recognized as trustworthy and reliable.
Give a personalised user-experience
One of the most important aspects of a data-driven marketing strategy is a personalised user-experience. We are no longer in the day and age where we can enjoy the leverage of treating all our customers equally. Personalised customer relations have become an important part of marketing. Using data analytics can help you build more personalised relations with your most loyal customers. Several tools give access to data which reveals the customers with the highest lead score. Converting these leads to sales can instantly give a boost to your business.
Improve customer engagement
Companies offering digital marketing services are constantly looking for ways to improve customer engagement. Having the right metrics can help you plan your next move and improve your customer engagement. There will naturally be better customer engagement if you work on producing content that is personalised for your users. The more engaging your content is, there are more chances of building a solid customer base.
Learn from your past mistakes
Data not only helps you plan your next move, but it is also a way to access your failure and not make the same mistakes again. It is okay to fail, but it is certainly not okay to repeat the mistakes in the future. The smallest slips can end up in loss worth millions of pounds. Try to derive as many strategies as you can from failing. The more data you have leading to wrong decisions, the more equipped you will be to deal with issues in the future.
Focus more on loyal customers
Generating leads is a very tedious and time-consuming process. Rather than focusing entirely on attracting new customers, it would be better if you are focused on your loyal customers as well. Data analytics can help you differentiate between the new and old customers. Always keep your loyal customers in the loop. Show them that they are most valuable to you. You can thank them through loyalty cards and notifying them of discounts and promotional offers.
Seek customer feedback
Customer feedback is one thing that can make or break your brand image. Negative feedback getting attention on any forum is like suicide for your brand image. Collecting data through tools may be time-consuming. When it comes to customer feedback, simply as for it. There are several ways through which you can seek customer feedback and use it to improve your product/service. One of the most common ways is through an online survey. However, most buyers would not want to spend time on an online survey even if they enjoy using your products. In that case, you can offer your customers a discount coupon or voucher at the end of the survey. Actively taking suggestions from the customers can do wonders for your brand image.
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