Marketing Director
27 Apr, 2022
Are you struggling to keep candidates engaged throughout the recruitment process? To start thinking about candidate engagement, we must be prepared. Candidates have slightly different drivers and aspirations, so it is critical that we are armed to address them individually, amplifying the points that excite each candidate the most.
3 steps to candidate engagement on the recruitment journey
Collect information
We collect a large amount of information during our initial briefing session with our clients, including their overall strategy and growth plans, team structure, scope of the role, what is in the upcoming roadmap and the impact clients need from the hire.
We use the information collected at this stage to pull together a candidate profile and create a job description for advertising across job boards, LinkedIn and our dedicated job page.
We approach candidates across multiple channels where possible to maximise chances of success. With more than 20 years’ experience in Product, Marketing and eCommerce, we have a vast talent system with huge amounts of data. This often means that we can email, message, In-mail and call the most relevant candidates if needed. Intelligent People are well known and trusted in our communities, so candidates are usually keen to maintain a relationship with us.
We always need a hook to engage passive candidates who are not actively considering opportunities. With each search, we will identify the most compelling aspects of a role and the wider organisation, using this to turn heads and initiate a discussion.
Once the conversation begins, it is critical that we ask intelligent questions to understand what the candidate is doing at present, where they are in their career, what their aspirations are and areas where they could be more fulfilled. If we feel that the candidate is of interest, we can then start presenting the opportunity in a personalised way, driving engagement and interest levels.
For each vacancy, we create a ’career story’ to get candidates excited about the role and clearly spell out what’s in it for them and how it will benefit their career.
As we move through the selection process, it is also critical that we have a feedback loop, where we continually measure each candidate’s sentiment, concerns, areas of excitement and any risk from other opportunities, so that we can address and overcome any issues throughout the selection process.
For advice on your candidate engagement strategy or hiring process, send us your brief and we will be in contact to discuss your project.