Product Managers play a pivotal role in today’s dynamic business landscape. They are responsible for defining a product’s vision, strategy, and roadmap, acting as the linchpin between various stakeholders, including customers, development teams, and business executives.

Possessing a diverse skill set, including technical expertise, strategic thinking, leadership, and effective communication, Product Managers are instrumental in ensuring that products align with market needs, remain competitive, and generate revenue.

If you need help recruiting for your product management team, find out more about Intelligent People’s recruitment services.

The increasing demand for Product Managers

The demand for Product Managers has been steadily rising in recent years. According to data from LinkedIn, job postings for Product Managers have grown by 32% annually over the past five years. This growth can be attributed to several factors, including the increasing importance of digital products, the rise of agile development methodologies, and the recognition of the role’s strategic value.

Key challenges in hiring Product Managers

Recruiting senior Product Managers who possess the right skills, experience, and cultural fit is a formidable task. Here are some of the key challenges in hiring Product Managers that organisations face:

Challenge 1: Identifying the right skill set

Defining essential Product Management skills

A critical challenge in hiring a senior Product Manager is defining the essential skill set required for the role. Product Managers need a blend of technical expertise and soft skills, including market research, data analysis, problem-solving, and stakeholder management. According to the Product Management Institute, the top skills for Product Managers include customer research (86%), data analysis (77%), and strategic thinking (75%).

Balancing technical and soft skills

Finding a Product Manager who excels both in technical aspects and soft skills such as leadership, communication, and empathy is challenging. In a survey by Pragmatic Institute, 81% of respondents cited “balancing technical and soft skills” as a top hiring challenge.

Ensuring clarity in role expectations

Ensuring that a Product Manager’s role and responsibilities are clearly defined within the company can be challenging. Misalignment can lead to confusion and conflicts. To address this challenge, a company should collaborate across departments, including HR, engineering, and product development, to establish consistent job descriptions and expectations for Product Managers.

Challenge 2: Market demand for the best candidates

Competition for top talent

The competition for senior Product Manager talent is fierce. According to a study by McKinsey, 87% of organisations report having a skills gap in their Product Management teams. As a result, companies often find themselves competing for a limited pool of highly qualified candidates.

Strategies for attracting high-demand candidates

To attract high-demand candidates, a business should focus on their employer brand, offer competitive compensation packages, and emphasise the company’s commitment to innovation and career development. Building relationships with potential candidates through networking events and industry conferences can also be effective.

View our guide to candidate attraction strategy

Challenge 3: Attracting top talent

Crafting compelling job descriptions

To attract top Product Manager candidates, organisations must craft compelling job descriptions that showcase the exciting opportunities the role offers. A well-crafted job description should emphasise the strategic impact of the role, the company’s commitment to innovation, and the potential for career growth.

Choosing the best product headhunters to partner with

Working with reputable product headhunters can significantly enhance the talent acquisition process. Specialised product recruiters have a deep understanding of the product management landscape and can connect organisations with top-tier candidates who may not be actively seeking new opportunities. Headhunters also complete a market mapping exercise, looking at top competitors and their current and previous employees.

View the top 6 headhunting recruitment agencies in London

Challenge 4: Shortlisting CVs effectively

Streamlining the CV screening process

The initial CV screening process can be time-consuming. Businesses should develop efficient methods for reviewing CVs and identifying candidates who meet the minimum qualifications.

Identifying key qualifications and experiences

Clearly defined qualifications and experience requirements can help streamline the CV screening process. These requirements should be aligned with the specific needs of the role.

Lack of tangible evidence

In our experience, one of the challenges in assessing Product Manager candidates CV’s is that many fail to provide tangible evidence of the impact of their work in previous roles. This makes it difficult to identify top talent through CV shortlisting alone. Many CVs lack concrete facts and figures that demonstrate a candidate’s contributions to product success, and so many great candidates can be mistakenly overlooked at this stage without a screening phone call too.

Challenge 5: The right skillset to interview the Product Manager

Identifying interviewers with relevant expertise

Selecting the right interview panel members with relevant product management or tech expertise can be challenging, especially within a small start-up or scale-up business. It is essential to have individuals who understand the intricacies of the Product Manager role and the roadmap to ensure the best hiring decision is made.

View our product management interview questions guide

Training interview panels for effective evaluation

Providing training to interview panel members can help standardise the evaluation process. Interviewers should be equipped with clear evaluation criteria and guidelines for assessing candidates.

Challenge 6: Interview length and turnaround time

Balancing comprehensive interviews with efficiency

Conducting thorough interviews is essential, but organisations must strike a balance between depth and efficiency. Lengthy interview processes can deter top candidates.

Reducing time-to-hire for critical roles

Efforts should be made to streamline the interview process and reduce time-to-hire, particularly for critical roles like senior Product Managers. According to Glassdoor, the average time to hire is 23.7 days. Shortening this timeline can help secure top talent.

Challenge 7: Managing stakeholder opinions

Balancing differing stakeholder expectations

Product Managers must navigate a complex web of stakeholders with varying expectations. Executives, engineers, marketers, and customers all have different perspectives on product management or product development. Hiring a Product Manager who can balance and prioritise these differing opinions is essential, and is a skill that can be hard to assess during the hiring process.

Building consensus in the hiring process

During the hiring process, involving key stakeholders from different departments in interviews can help build consensus and ensure that the candidate can effectively manage diverse viewpoints. Collaborative decision-making can lead to better hiring outcomes.

Challenge 8: Assessing people management skills

Balancing technical proficiency with leadership capabilities

In addition to their technical roles, Product Managers often lead cross-functional teams. Assessing candidates’ leadership and people management skills is vital. A study by Gallup found that only 1 in 10 people possess the talent to manage.. Therefore, finding Product Managers with these skills can be challenging.

Recognising the importance of team building

A Product Manager’s ability to build and lead effective teams significantly impacts product development. Evaluating candidates’ track records in team building and their ability to motivate and inspire colleagues is essential.

Challenge 9: Evaluating communication skills

Assessing effective interpersonal and cross-functional communication

Product Managers serve as communication hubs within organisations, facilitating discussions between technical teams, sales, marketing, and executives. Strong communication skills are critical. According to a survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, communication skills are the most sought-after soft skills by employers.

Ensuring clear articulation of ideas

During interviews, candidates should be evaluated not only on their ability to express themselves clearly but also on their capacity to convey complex ideas in a way that is understandable to various stakeholders.

Challenge 10: Strategic thinking vs. detail-oriented

Identifying candidates who can balance both

Product Managers must simultaneously think strategically and pay attention to detail. Balancing these aspects of the role can be challenging, as some individuals may excel in one area while lacking in the other.

Assessing long-term vision and attention to detail

During interviews, organisations should assess a candidate’s ability to articulate a long-term vision for a product while demonstrating attention to detail in their past work. Scenario-based questions and case studies can help evaluate this balance.

Challenge 11: Incorporating diverse perspectives

Assessing Ability to Consider Varied Viewpoints

In today’s diverse and global business environment, the ability to consider varied viewpoints is crucial. Product Managers need to understand and integrate feedback and insights from diverse stakeholders.

Fostering inclusivity in Product Management

To address this challenge, organisations should promote inclusivity and diversity in their hiring processes. Encouraging candidates to share their experiences working with diverse teams and considering their ability to foster inclusivity can lead to more well-rounded hires.

Challenge 12: Navigating salary expectations

Market salary trends

Navigating salary expectations can be tricky, especially as the demand for Product Managers drives up compensation levels. According to our data, the average salary for a Product Manager in the UK is £65,000. Understanding market salary trends and developing competitive compensation packages is crucial.

View our product management salary guide for 2023.

Negotiation strategies

Candidates often negotiate salary and benefits packages. Businesses need effective negotiation strategies to ensure that both parties are satisfied with the final offer. Offering non-monetary incentives, such as opportunities for professional growth and a flexible work environment, can also be appealing to candidates.

Challenge 13: Budget for continued learning and development

Investing in professional growth

Investing in the ongoing learning and development of Product Managers is crucial to keeping them engaged and ensuring they remain effective in their roles, but also to talent acquisition in the first place. According to LinkedIn, 94% of employees would stay at a company longer if it invested in their learning and development. Organisations should allocate budgets for training, workshops, and industry certifications to support their Product Managers’ growth.

Allocating resources for skill enhancement

Given the rapid evolution of technology and market trends, Product Managers must continuously enhance their skills. Allocating resources for skill enhancement programs and providing opportunities for attending industry conferences can help Product Managers stay up-to-date with the latest developments.

Overcoming challenges in hiring Product Managers

Navigating the challenges in hiring Product Managers requires a strategic approach. Here are strategies to overcome these challenges:

Strategy 1: Collaborative recruitment process

Involvement of cross-functional teams

Engage cross-functional teams, including HR, engineering, marketing, and sales, in the recruitment process. This ensures that a diverse set of perspectives is considered during candidate evaluation.

Eliminating biases in hiring

Implement structured interview processes and training to eliminate biases in hiring. Unconscious biases can lead to overlooking qualified candidates or favouring those who fit a specific stereotype.

Strategy 2: Talent pipeline development

Building relationships with potential candidates

Proactively build relationships with potential candidates, even before job openings arise. Networking at industry events and conferences can help identify and connect with top talent.

Long-term talent acquisition planning

Develop a long-term talent acquisition plan that aligns with the company’s strategic objectives. This includes forecasting future talent needs and proactively building a pipeline of potential candidates.

Strategy 3: Upskilling existing employees

Internal talent development programs

Invest in internal talent development programs to groom employees for future Product Manager roles. Offering mentorship, training, and career growth opportunities can nurture in-house talent.

Investing in professional growth

Allocate resources for Product Managers’ professional growth. Encourage them to attend industry conferences, pursue relevant certifications, and participate in ongoing training programs.


Overcoming challenges in hiring Product Managers is a complex undertaking that requires careful planning, a collaborative approach, and a commitment to overcoming the unique challenges associated with the role. In a competitive job market, businesses must not only identify top talent but also offer a compelling value proposition that includes career growth, a positive workplace culture, and a clear vision for the future.

If you need help hiring for your product management team, contact us today.

challenges in product manager hiring