Marketing Director
20 Mar, 2020
Working from home is becoming more and more commonplace in the UK. With the rise of cloud-based technology, changes to the typical 9-5 workday, and an increased emphasis on a positive work-life balance, more and more businesses are coming round to the idea of remote working for their employees.
But while it works in theory, it’s easy to get distracted by the myriad of other tasks you have at home. Plus, if you’re not working alongside colleagues, it can be easy to lose track of time.
Tools to use to increase productivity whilst working from home
Use a time-tracking tool to track your progress
Working from home has its benefits, but at the end of the day, you are responsible for yourself. With no manager there to monitor your progress or teammates to check in with, it can be easy to lose track of time. That means it is up to you to stay on top of your work and make the most of your work day.
Time tracking tools like Toggl make this easy to do. Simply fill out the task name, assign it to a project, and click go, and you can accurately track your progress as you go. These tools have the added benefit of helping you spot problem areas in your work so you can spot areas where you are struggling or need help from a colleague.
Lean on dedicated planning tools to map out your day
In the same vein as the above, it’s as important to time your day while working as it is to plan your day before you even get started. Planning your day in the morning helps you prioritise your tasks and get the most value from your eight hours at your desk.
Use an intuitive all-in-one solution like ProofHub to help you manage your day. Beyond simply planning your work day, tools like these also let you colour-code notes, comment and collaborate with other colleagues, and collate notes together according to topic or project.
By offering this variety of planning and collaborative features in a single space, it negates the need for multiple tools or tabs, consolidating all your administrative work into a single dashboard. As such, you can better manage your workload and boost productivity into the bargain.
Invest in good equipment for a comfortable working space
Gone are the days of a single tiny monitor and a cramped desk. With a plethora of affordable technology and hardware available to us, it’s possible to create an office space that makes us happier, more efficient, and more productive.
Opt for at least two monitors where possible. This helps you stay on top of your work without the need to constantly switch between tabs or shrink windows into a single screen. It’s a small change but one that can dramatically increase your productivity.
Consider investing in a good keyboard, wrist-supporting mousemat, and noise-cancelling headphones too. These create a comfortable working space that lets you work in peace and without discomfort
Of course, this equipment is expensive. It’s worth remembering that, as a home worker, you won’t have business insurance provided — it’s up to you to get protection. Contents insurance protects your belongings from theft or damage but, crucially, it protects your livelihood too.
Find the best internet connection for lag-free working
Every business has different needs — some might need extensive office space, while others may rely on a particular kind of software. But there’s one essential thing that every single business needs in 2020: a solid internet connection.
No matter what kind of business you work for or operate, a fast internet connection is an absolute necessity. It lets you work, research, manage accounts, communicate, and more, so it’s 100% essential. There’s nothing worse than having a video call with a colleague or client, only to have it constantly lag or cut out halfway through.
Opt for a fibreoptic wireless connection where possible. This offers better reliability and speeds than landline-based internet. Shop around for the best deals but remember that a good internet connection is vital for home working — don’t simply opt for the cheapest option. It’s worth spending a little extra to make sure you get the connection (and customer support) you need to work efficiently.
These are just four possible tools that make working from home more productive. There are plenty of other additions to this list that will make remote working easier for you, but use the above as a starting point and enjoy a more productive home working setup in 2020.
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If you are an employer looking for help with your next hiring process, contact us today and we’d love to help.